The Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments is an association of local governments that is committed to identifying, securing, and coordinating local, regional, and federal government projects and programs for the enhancement of our region and member communities.

All questions and answers regarding the RFP will be posted here.

1. The RFP includes these two sentences – “The full length of the proposal should not exceed 30 pages, including any supporting material, charts, or tables. Please limit the proposal without supporting material to five (5) pages.” Section VII of the RFP then states all content and format.

Q: Are you intending to have the content in Section VII be limited to 5 pages or 30 pages?

A: Section VII “Proposal Content and Format”, items a. through c, shall be limited to five pages. Additional supporting material may be added to the proposal, but the entire proposal shall not exceed over 30 pages.

2. According to the RFP – This project is funded, in part, with a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Action Plan Grant and has a not-to-exceed budget of $60,000. The local match is being provided by the Iowa DOT Traffic and Safety Bureau.

Q: What is the amount of the local match being provided by the Iowa DOT? Or, is the $60,000 inclusive of the local match?

A: The $60,000 includes the local match mentioned in the RFP.

3. Interview Process

Q: If the selection goes to an interview, is it possible to do a virtual interview?

A: Yes, virtual interviews may be conducted.

3. Page Limit and Contents

Q: Does Cover Page, Cover Letter, and Tabs count towards the overall 30 page limit?

A: Yes.